Thursday, October 25, 2007

Cleaning Out the Closet

Well, I have been sewing and tinkering, as I mentioned last week. But truly, I am a lazy person and tend to let things sit about in bins rather than trouble myself to get all the permissions sorted, the items neatly lined up and named a bit catchier than "RDLskirt texture7", a box made, a vendor set up, and don't even mention the ads and the SLEx.

Be as that may, my ego does conflict with the laziness, and besides which, I just bought a new parcel of land in Caledon Penzance, so the avarice is coming into play as well. Such an odd feeling to have those conflicting feelings of vice tilting at each other betwixt one's ears.


I am putting up a few dresses I've been working on. One is a circa 1815 Regency Ballgown, which I will be putting the automatically adjusting AttachmentSet script into (so one's knees won't poke through when sitting). More on that amazing script later, for now, you can pick up a copy at on the freebie cart now in Endless Destruction at the Caveat Emporium.

Oh yes, the dress. You may have seen this already, as it was originally a commission for Miss Diamanda Gustafson. Per our agreement, she was entitled to a few balls in it before I released it to the rest of the world. Do hope it worked for you, Miss G!

Next up, I've been working with the Versailles set. I need to get the ad's made on the Gentleman's suit, but there are two dresses I am putting out. The first is a long held favourite of mine, the sacque dress, which appears in the first decade of the 18th and stays popular in various forms all the way through the 60s (and you would still see colonial American women wearing it in the 70s). This particular one is based after an extant 1740 dress:

If there is enough interest, I may release this in different textures. The Sacque is quite versatile, actually. Add enough frills, and you have something suitable for Pompadour :)

Finally, I was asked by Duchesse Dobra Lane to make a dress based on the late 17th century court dress from the movie Angelique.

I will be immodest and say that this one is the most difficult and complex outfit I have ever made. The tie backs were actually the hardest part to make--the use of twisted toruses made my head hurt. They have these odd characteristics such that changing one parameter tends to change ALL the parameters, if that makes any sense (play with a torus a bit, and you will see what I mean). Accordingly, I have two sized prim skirts included, as well as two sizes of bodices (the mesh would "bunch" when downsized).

The neck ruffle was created using Mr Ged Larsen's amazing LinkRez--a device that is to necklaces what LoopRez is to prim skirts. It is so fun to watch in action. I created a few lace ruffles, lined them up and used the templates to fit it around the next. A single chat entry later and I watched it create a whole necklace. Then I had to fit it on the neckline and adjust the bodice to line up with the ruffle, but the tedious part was automated. I also created a non-alpha trim to go there, which adds a bit more glitter to the whole affair (it's optional, should you need that attachment point for a necklace or some such).

Then it was the usual texturing thingees. The lace is from photographs of actual 17th century lace. All in all, I'm fairly pleased with it. Oh, I tossed in some of my embroidered shoes, in case you haven't something nicer to wear.

All of these are up in Eyre now, and once I get on grid, shall place them at the other shops as well.

1 comment:

Diamanda Gustafson said...

I have thoroughly enjoyed my dress, madame, and hope that others will do so in the future!