Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Lights, Camera, Gun Bunnies......

Sunday found me mostly trying not to get in the way during the filming of the following sequence--

(and a HUGE thank you to Her Grace, Duchess Carnaigh, for telling me how to link to these cinema sites!)

Yes, while Caledon sleeps, a vicious assassin stalks the night! This foul fiend of darkness was played by Mr. O'Toole, with heavy makeup and my Prussian Death's Head Hussar outfit on. La Bicyclette claims no liability for any assassination attempts perpetrated whilst wearing our outfits :)

Fortunately, the Gun Bunnies are ever vigilant. As I said, I really had little to do with the whole affair, other than to try not to giggle too loudly during the shoot. I did get a can of "Whup--***", which I am keeping ever handy, should unfortunate circs require it.

Afterwards, Doctor Whittlesea kept his Tanglewood mufti on and tooled several victory laps about the demense in Mrs. Wind's amazingly clever Gun Bunny Transport craft. The little side cushions are for little fuzzy soldiers to sit upon, ready for instant deployment into unpleasant areas!

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